Wednesday 31 May 2023

Spaceport 2


Here is the second version of my new computer art.

Until next time


Saturday 27 May 2023

Spaceport 1


Here is the second version of my new computer art.

Until next tuime


Wednesday 24 May 2023



Here is a new piece of computer art that I have just completed.

I have done several versions of this, which I will post later.

Until next time


Saturday 20 May 2023

Lost View


I am spending quite a lot of time sorting out things at my father's house.

My parents had some of my work displayed.

The largest picture is about a metre square and was hung on the staircase wall.

This is acrylic on board and was painted from the roof of the old Wimbledon Art School Annex at Palmeston Road in the early 1980's.

This view no longer exists, as the Annex has been demolished and replaced with flats.

Also, Wimbledon Theatre (right background) has been restored and now has the cupola and angel-on- orb replaced . They had been removed during World War II, as German bombers we using them as landmark.

The blocky modern building in the left background ( I think it was a supermarket- I forget which) has also been demolished.

Just behind that, you can just see the Borough flag flying over the Town Hall.

The Council later moved out of this building and it was turned into part of Centre Court Shopping Centre.

It must have been a very clear day, as ( very faintly) you can see the spire of St Mary's Wimbledon, up on the hill, in the far distance , just up and to the right of the supermarket building.

Until next time


Wednesday 17 May 2023



I was clearing old pictures off my mobile the other day and came upon these pictures that I'd taken of my artshow space at Eastercon.

I had been given five boards and had managed to fit  in all the pictures and little sculptures I had brought with me.

I also had to achieve a harmonious look to the arrangement of pictures and leave enough space for the title/ price tickets

As you can see, it was then something of a challenge getting the whole space into a photo- especially as it was only about four paces away from a wall...

Until next time


Saturday 13 May 2023



Here is a new picture from my sketchbook

This is mixed media (coloured pens enhanced with white acrylic).

Until next time


Wednesday 10 May 2023



Vast piles of paperwork are having to be assailed following my father's death.

I am still trying to get some artwork done, but, alas, have no new piece for today.

Here is a reprise of  a very small oil painting I sold in 2011.

I called this one "Spacecorps".

Until next time


Saturday 6 May 2023

After The Parade


I have just finished watching the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

It was a wonderful fusion of ancient ceremonial and modern adaptation.

God Save The King.

The armed forces put on a magnificent show, ending with a loyal salute and three cheers.

Here is the latest new drawing from my sketch book, which (by coincidence) shows a soldier relaxing.

Until next time


Wednesday 3 May 2023

Alternate History Hussar


I posted earlier about Eastercon and mentioned that I had worn a uniform, but, unfortunately, had not got any photos at the time.

I have now had occasion to don this uniform again and have persuaded Teddy to take some pictures.

This uniform counts as alternate history because it is what I think the uniform of the 18th Hussars would have looked like in the Crimean War (Mid 1850s) if they had not been disbanded in 1821 (after of the Napoleonic Wars.

I achieved this by wearing the overalls from my 1960's Service Corps mess dress over short boots.

The shade of military blue of the dolman and pelisse and overalls match exactly, as does the facing colour of the dolman and stripes on the overalls.

I wore the uniform in two styles.

First, with the pelisse

The without the pelisse

You will also note that I have now added a pricker plate to my cartridge box belt ( I could not get one in time for my wedding in 2016). I am also wearing an 1850'-style bow-fronted cravat, rather than a stock.

For contrast, here is the full 1815 uniform.

In reality, the 18th Hussars( Queen Mary's Own) was reformed from scratch in 1858 with a completely different uniform that had no connection to the unique features of their Napoleonic one.
until next time
