Wednesday 26 December 2018

Christmas Tree 2018


As usual, I am in charge of all the festive decorations.

Here is the Christmas tree in its new position , due to re-arrangement of furniture ( Teddy even had to move some dolls... ).

 Here is the tree with its lights on.

As usual I shall be celebrating the full twelve days and will take the tree and decoration down after my Twelfth Night meal.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Until next time


Wednesday 19 December 2018

Season's Greetings 2018


Every year I weave a new wreath onto  an old wreath frame, using evergreens from my garden.

This year, Teddy brought me a gift of some mistletoe, so I included it , alongside the usual holly, bay and yew.

Here is this year's wreath:

  Until next time


Wednesday 12 December 2018

Woodlore, Woodland Elf


This is a drawing I made  for another woodland elf character.

Here's how he came out photoshopped at the first attempt:

I then decided to have another go and make a similar use of layers to the work I had done to the picture of Raven.

The second version looks like this:

Without his jerkin, he looks like this:

As with the image of Raven, I will, at some point,add the remaining more risque versions of this image to the Garden of Dubious Delights pages of my website.

Until next time


Wednesday 5 December 2018

Renaissance Youth


Here is an ink drawing of  a Renaissance youth from my sketch book.

 Until next time
