Wednesday 2 September 2020

Tarty Elf


I have been doing experiments with Fimo. 

I wanted to make a standing figure, but Fimo is too soft to maintain its structure through the half hour cooking process and its probable that  a wire structure would heat up and crack the clay

I speculated that it should be possible to make a standing Fimo figure without using a wire support if I made it in two pieces( front and back) and then clayed over and smoothed the joint.

I made the back of the figure and cooked it. I then made the front of the figure and joined them together and cooked it again.

 I then had to do quite a lot of carving and sanding and remodeling, as this process makes it more difficult to judge anatomy in the round.

The good thing about fimo, however is that it can be cooked and recooked over again.

This is the finished figure , which is about 18 cm high.

The boots have high heels . 

There is no wire structure and the figure is stable.

I think I can count the experiment a success.

As an additional feature the Fimo I used for the flesh of this figure is luminous, so he glows greenish with the lights off!

I am currently working on a figure crouching and up on the balls of its feet, which I am making in sections. It is going quite well so far.

Until next time


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