Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Christmas Tree 2019


In the festive mood, an early post for Christmas Day.

I am, as usual, in charge of all the decorations.

Here is the decorated Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas 

Or have a Cool Yule

Until next time


Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Bright Judges 3


Here is the next of my Bright Judges figures.

This is Judge Leather.

I took some images of the figure as I was making it.

This is the completed figure:

I am quite pleased with this one.

Until next time.


Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Seasons Greetings 2019


Every year I use an old frame to make a Christmas wreath for my front door.

I use yew, bay and holly from my garden.

Here is this year's wreath;

Season's greetings to all.

Until next time


Wednesday, 4 December 2019

steampunk medals 3


With the exception of the first two medals in the miniatures, all the medals I have made have been swing mounted.

I decided to try court mounting the next group. This is how it came out:

I am quite pleased with the result.

I also court mounted this single medal.

Until next time
