Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Small Game Hunter 10


Here is another in the new collection of sprites.

This is a Scarlet Leatherboy ( Faerilad Mustobeius ) collected in Soho in 1899

Until next time


Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Working on painting detail


I have done some more work to the detail of my current oil painting.

Last time I posted  the painting had been worked over in white  and looked like this:

I have now done some more detail work in dark colours and have added more detail to the clothing and the moon figures.

It now looks like this:

I will continue to work on the detail.

Until next time


Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Small Game Hunter 9


Here is another in my new collection of Sprites

This is an Enchanted Prince ( Wakinim Wilbifunferus ) collected in Ulm in 1881

Until next time


Wednesday, 5 September 2018

More work to painting


I have been doing some further work to my current oil painting.

I have added further green  and white glazes  and have been working on the detail in white.

As usual I am using a glazing medium mixed with turpentine.

The painting looked like this last time.

It now looks like this:

Once this dries, I will work over the detail again in dark colours. I will carry on this process, alternating white work with dark, until I am happy with the detail.

Until next time 
