Thursday 9 November 2023

New crest for Great Helm 1


Apologies for the late posting this week. I woke up yesterday with a sensation of tightness in my chest that felt like it reach right back to my spine and nothing I tried seemed to shift it.

Consequently, I went to my doctor, who sent me to A & E. I then spent the rest of the day either waiting or having tests done to check that I hadn't had a  minor heart attack.

It turns out -I hadn't.. but they didn't give me any diagnosis of what it was. 

The best I can come up with is must have been something muscular, as the effect lasted for about ten and half hours and was not altered by going to the loo during that time.

Anyway, I'm fine now and also know from scans that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my heart.

Indeed, the doctor used me as an example for  two medical students...

So, back to normal service...

Some time ago, I posted about carving a new crest for my great helm from a small block of cherry wood.

Due to the size of block I could obtain, I was unable to carve the mitre 'in the round' and had to be satisfied with a flattened representation.

In the meantime, a large, ancient pear tree in my father's garden finally gave up the ghost and fell down.

In the course of clearing up the resulting mess, I sawed off a reasonable chunk of branch and left it by the radiator in my studio to dry.

Now, some good time later, I have spent a month or so carving it into a new crest.

This is how it looked  when I had  decided the carving was done and had given it a coat of gesso.

And here are two close up pictures of the demi demon rampant gardant holding the pearl.

I will post again when I have finished painting it.

Until next time


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