Saturday 19 October 2024

Breeches 1


I recently started learning Regency dance and have attended one Ball so far.

I had made some white breeches some years ago and had to adapt them a bit for my first ball.

They are, however, fashionably snug, so I judges it prudent to make a new pair in a larger size.

Having made a mock-up, I found I needed to adjust the front  and, with Teddy's help, adjusted the pattern.

I added a triangular piece to the front  and copied this to the mock up. 

It worked, so I hot washed and ironed my fabric and laid out my pattern pieces. You will note that I had already copied the paper pattern onto plastic, as Teddy and I have found this greatly extends the life of patterns.

I was partway through laying out, when I realised I had to create another pattern piece, as extending the front seam meant making a new fall liner pattern piece.. This is why the front panel in not in the shot above that Teddy took.

Above is the final lay out. I managed to get everything except one pocket in. Luckily, I had some more smaller pieced of this fabric that I can use for this and any other edge bindings that might be necessary.

Finally, here is aclose up showing the altered front panel and the new falls liner.

I have cut out all the pieces ( except the last pocket- still waiting for that cloth to dry!) and will post more when I have started to make it up.

Until next time


Wednesday 16 October 2024

Regency Buck 4


Here is the next version of my new computer art

Until next time


Saturday 12 October 2024

Regency Buck 3


Here is the next version of m y new computer art.

Until next time


Thursday 10 October 2024

Regency Buck 2


Here is the first variant of my new computer art..

until next time


Saturday 5 October 2024

Regency Buck 1


Here is a new piece of computer art.

I have several versions of this one...

Until next time


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Shipwrecked 1


Here is a new painting that I have just completed.

This was based on a coloured pencil picture from my sketchbook (which I blogged about previously)

I think the painting came out a bit better than the drawing. His britches look wetter, I was able to get a bit of 'wet shirt clinging to flesh' effect and the face has more intensity.

Until next time


Saturday 28 September 2024

Calligraphy 5


Here is another payer that I have added to my breviary.

This one extorts St Michael to cast down the devil and his minions ( The Bishop is an Ecclesiastical Knight of the order of St Michael).

As this was quite a long payer for my rather small book, I had to spread it over two pages.

Supplicesdeprecamur is currently the longest Latin word I have written out- and worked out how to actually say...

You will also note I split some words to fit more on the page. Where possible I've done this in a way that is an aid to their pronunciation.

Until next time
